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what is sustainability? and why is it so important?

sustainability means the ability to exist and develop without depleting natural resources for the future. (Brundtland Report Of The United Nations) this report, which is to be ratified globally by...

sustainability means the ability to exist and develop without depleting natural resources for the future.

(Brundtland Report Of The United Nations)

this report, which is to be ratified globally by all affiliated nations on a binding basis in the coming years and decades, further states that sustainable development meets the needs of the present without threatening the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. resources, being finite, must and can be used carefully so as not only not to threaten the quality of life of future generations, but moreover to ensure it.

this includes a sustainable society that is socially responsible and focuses on the factors of protecting the environment in order to maintain the dynamic balance of human and natural resources. 

let us now examine the three fundamental pillars of sustainability:

environmental protection:

this commonly discussed aspect includes reducing the carbon footprint, reducing water consumption, using "rot-free packaging," and making supply chains ecologically sound financially and cost-effectively.

social development:

to ensure responsible, ethically sustainable treatment of workers as part of the corporate community. this includes a balance of benefits in relation to the personal needs of employees through the flexibilization of working hours as well as opportunities for further development, fair remuneration and job security.

economic development: 

in the area of economic development, a paradigm shift is needed from "making money at all costs" to "balancing all elements" to generate sustainability.

this approach, also known as the “triple bottom line”, demonstrates the need to achieve sustainability by permanently balancing economic, environmental and social performance.

the UN has also recognized and manifested the achievement of sustainable development objectives, with 17 targets to be achieved by 2030. important factors here represent "zero poverty, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, and responsible production and consumption."

Similarly, the EU Commission published six key changes to be implemented by 2050 in 2018:

  1. sustainable development is a societal challenge, not just an environmental one. improvements in education and healthcare are therefore needed to achieve higher incomes and better environmental choices.
  2. responsible consumption and production and the goal of doing more with fewer resources are important to introduce a circular economy and reduce demand.
  3. decarbonization of the energy industry through clean energy resources and renewable processes is necessary to provide clean and affordable energy for all.
  4. there should be food and clean water for all while protecting the biosphere and oceans, which requires efficient and sustainable food systems that can be achieved by increasing agricultural productivity and reducing meat consumption.
  5. smart cities (smart cities): settlement patterns should be changed for the benefit of the population and the environment, which can be achieved through "smart" infrastructure and internet connectivity.
  6. a digital revolution in science, technology and innovation is needed to support sustainable development, as it is hoped that the world will use the development of information technology to facilitate sustainability.

SPLEISURE is actively committed to sustainability. we not only use eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes but also prevent overproduction of clothing. in addition we support sustainable projects to take into account the needs of future generations.


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